Design and embodiment of variableness band style magnetic field nerve stimulation system that apply $1^{trigger}$ $2^{mode}$ magnetic field treatment Probe for disease treatment

  • Published : 2008.12.31


When compose magnetic field curer by belt and band style and need by magnetic field ripple last month, produce self-discipline roof. Bred in muscle disease (lumbago, backbone disease, corpulence) back. Result that study, manufactured various variableness band style - magnetic field probe firstly. Can establish self-discipline treatment pulse price by disease secondly. Could seek correct variableness band punishment, - magnetic field probe relationship implementation and property in waist, and so on, shoulder, neck, arm, leg, ankle, wrist etc. by third. Could find variableness band style energy value that need in-magnetic field Probe's treatment by fourth. This research could design pulse of self-discipline in band form and apply each according to disease.



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