대리인의 사전의료지시서와 기독교 생명윤리

Deciding for Other as Christian Bioethics

  • 발행 : 2007.10.01


There are three things that are not known to the human being. That is when, where and how one will die. Most people live ignoring death. However, elements of death linger everywhere. The purpose of this treatise is investigates about justification Deciding for Other directions. First, I will investigate about Deciding for Other directions, when patient can not decide own, I will do investigate agent's decision's problem. Second, These four principles provide the common ground for biomedical ethics. Principlism argue that a method using four principles can resolve controversies in bioethics. The method holds that there are four principles-respect for autonomy, nonamleficence, beneficence, justice- that articulate the necessary conditions of common morality for health care and bioethics. Beauchamp and Childress respond by arguing that the two problems are nc the meaning or interpretation but the process of specification. Third, So, Supplement four principles' problem to Levinas concept of the Other theory. Levinas concept of the Other is very resemblant with 'Love your neighbour as yourself." Christians believe that Love is above all and they act accordingly. They base this faith mainly upon the motto of "love your neighbour as yourself." Fourth. difficult part of Levinas concept of the Other is that there is no human to equal infinite sense of responsibility. Can be supplemented about this through cooperation of community. Four principles can be brought to bear on moral choices. And they asserts that each principles has weigh but they do not assign a priority weighting of ranking. All the principles are equal in moral decision making.
