Effects of Fertilizer Level in Nursery on Dry Stem Yield and Quality of Mat Rush (Juncus effusus L. var. decipiens Buchenan)

골풀 묘상 시비량이 건경 수량과 품질에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2007.08.30


This study was conducted to select the most suitable fertilizer level on nursery of mat rush for good quality and high yield. $N-P_{2}O_{5}-K_{2}O=60-30-60$ (kg/10a), fertilizer level on nursery of mat rush showed relatively superior values for all yield components and quality with 57g in fresh weight, 12g in dry weight, 23% in air drying ratio for per plant at the nursery and 125cm in stem length, 150 numbers in stem number, 4,082kg/10a in fresh stem yield, 345kg/10a in long stem yield, 996kg/10a in medium stem yield, 1,421kg/l0a in total stem yield, 34% in dry stem ratio and 30% in long stem ratio at the main paddy field. The results indicate that fertilizer level, $N-P_{2}O_{5}-K_{2}O=60-30-60kg/10a$ in nursery shows different adaptabilities to a particular fertilizer level and 60-30-60 (kg/10a) seems to be the most suitable fertilizer level of mat rush for good quality and high yield.

남부지방에서 답리작으로 휴경답의 제고를 위하여 골풀의 시비량을 구명코자 시험하였던바 묘상에서의 시비량은 $N-P_{2}O_{5}-K_{2}O=60-30-60kg/10a$의 양으로 육성한 묘들은 본답에 가서도 수량 및 수량구성요소가 우수하였다. 따라서 골풀의 묘상 시비량은 $N-P_{2}O_{5}-K_{2}O=60-30-60kg/10a$ 이여야 된다고 생각된다.



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