노인의 죽음불안과 별-파도 그림 반응특성에 관한 탐색적 연구

An Exploratory Study on the Elderly's Anxiety Towards Death and their Reactions to the Star-Wave Drawing

  • 최외선 (영남대학교 가족주거학과) ;
  • 박인전 (영남대학교 유아교육과)
  • Choi, Wae-Sun (Dept. of Family and Housing, Yeungnam Univ.) ;
  • Park, In-Jeon (Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Yeungnam Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


The purposes of this study were to examine if there is a relationship between elderly people's anxiety towards death and their reactions to the Star-Wave drawing, and to verify if the Star-Wave drawing was a good enough tool to measure elderly people's degree of death anxiety. The subject for this study were 307 elderly people (male 127, female 180) over 60 years of age with no physical and cognitive damage, who were residing in Geongsan city and attending colleges or welfare centers for the aged. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS WIN(ver. 12.0) program, and factor analysis, correlation analysis, Chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and $Scheff\acute{e}$ test were utilized. The results showed that factors showing different levels of anxiety towards death in the Star-Wave drawing were the total harmony of the drawing, drawing style, repetition of wave, size of the star, and location of the star. In particular, the group that drew the Star-Wave drawing with total harmony felt less anxiety towards death than the other group. Therefore, the results of this study suggested a possibility of the Star-Wave drawing to be used as a good tool that could diagnose the elderly's degree of anxiety towards death.



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