Position Location of Mobile Terminal in Wireless MIMO Communication Systems

  • Li, Ji (Department of Computer Engineering, Eole Polytechnique de Montreal) ;
  • Conan, Jean (Department of Electrical Engineering, Eole Polytechnique de Montreal) ;
  • Pierre, Samuel (Department of Computer Engineering, Eole Polytechnique de Montreal)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


A promising approach to improve the performance of mobile location system is the use of antenna arrays in both transmitter and receiver sides. Using advanced array signal processing techniques, such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems can offer more mobile location information by exploiting the spatial properties of the multipath channel. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to determine the position of mobile terminal based on estimated multipath signal parameters using only one base station in MIMO communication systems. This approach intends to minimize the error occurring from the estimation of multiple paths and gives an optimal estimation of the position of mobile terminal by simultaneously calculating a set of nonlinear location equations. This solution breaks the bottleneck of conventional mobile location systems which have to require multilateration of at least three base stations.



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