비행성향 청소년의 우울 및 공격성 감소를 위한 인지행동집단상담 프로그램 개발과 효과

The Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Counseling Program for Depression and Aggressiveness in Adolescents with Delinquent Propensity

  • Kim, Jung-Min (Dept. of Child Development and Education, Myongji Univ.) ;
  • Park, Jun-Hee (Dept. of Child Development and Education, Myongji Univ.) ;
  • Han, Kyung-Eun (Dept. of Child Development and Education, Myongji Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


This study aimed to develop a cognitive-behavioral group counseling program for depression and aggressiveness in adolescents with delinquent propensity and to examine its efficacy through pre- and post-tests. The program included cognitive restructuring, exposure training, social skills training and relaxation training. Juvenile Delinquency Scale, BDI, K-YSR, and BDHI were administered to 520 3rd grade middle-school female students to assess their levels of delinquency, depression and aggressiveness. Initially 41 students who met all the following criteria were selected: 1) top 15% scores on Juvenile Delinquency Scale, 2) top 30% scores on BDI, K-YSR and BDHI respectively. Individuals currently receiving clinical treatment were excluded. Finally 39 students were selected and randomly assigned to either a treatment group(n=20) or a control group(n=19). Then the students in the treatment group were divided into 4 subgroups. The program consisted of 12 weekly sessions, approximately $1.5{\sim}2$ hours in duration. Pre- and post-tests administered to both groups included Juvenile Delinquency Scale, BDI, K-YSR, BDHI, and CLAB. Additionally, MESSY for teachers was added at pre- and post-tests. The collected data were statistically analyzed through independent t-test and paired t-test. The results of the study were as follows: 1) The students in the treatment group showed a significant reduction in the level of depression and aggressiveness in comparison with those in the control group. 2) Teachers reported a significant reduction in internalizing/externalizing behaviors of the students in the treatment group.



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