Multiple Digital Watermarking Framework for Joint-Creatorship Verification in VR Environment

VR 환경에서 공동 소유권 증명을 위한 다중 워터마킹 프레임워크

  • Published : 2007.04.30


Virtual Reality(VR) data in VR environments like Manufacturing industries are often created jointly by many creators. It is then necessary to provide protection of the joint-creatorship and the creatorship of each participating creator. This paper proposes Multiple Digital Watermarking Framework(MDWF) to solve the problem of joint-creatorship. The proposed framework, MDWF, makes use of 3D private watermarking technology and a novel key sharing protocol for joint-creatorship verification. MDWF embeds 3D private multiple watermarks for the creatorship of each participating creators in a non-overlapping manner during the creation process. After key agreement of all private keys, MDWF embeds an additional 3D private watermark for the joint-creatorship. Therefore MDWF successfully handles the creatorship dispute among creators. That is, each participation creator can prove his/her partial creatorship as well as joint-creatorship by MDWF. In addition, MDWF can solve the collusion problems because shared secret key(SSK) can be made by every users.



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