선형침투시스템의 공동주택 외부공간 적용 방안 연구

A case study about exterior space design of apartments using Linear infiltration system

  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


As environmental problems and water-shortage phenomenon become a global issue, many states look for the effective method to use water resources. So, decentralized rainwater management is recognized as a new water management system that rainwater can be infiltrated and used on-site. But it is little difficult to build a park, lake, and forest for evaporating rainwater in city because the land price of city is very high. In order to build an excellent infiltration system for a dwelling and a park in Korea, KICT has developed Linear infiltration system. This infiltration system is consist of first flush treatment, storage and infiltration, overflow control system. These elements are connected closely and working as a combined system. A storm sewer can be changed by the linear infiltration system. This study is to show real application idea about Linear infiltration system with improving some detail in apartments. For this purpose, we devide application idea into the artificial ground and the natural ground and each ground type, suggest a method to cooperate with the other landscape and linear infiltration system. Through this study, we came to recognize a recognition difference of an expert and a commoner about decentralized rainwater management.



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