A Study of the PDCA and CAPD Economic Designs of the $\bar{x}$ Control Chart

  • Published : 2007.06.30


The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check and Act) cycle is often used in the field of quality management. Recently, business environments have become more competitive, and the due time of products has shortened. In a short production run process, to increase efficiency of management, the necessity for distinguishing the PDCA design that starts with PLAN and the CAPD design that starts with CHECK has been clarified. Starting from Duncan (1956), there have been a number of papers dealing with the economic design of control charts from the viewpoint of production run. Some authors (Gibra, 1971; Ladany and Bedi, 1976; etc.) have studied the economic design for finite-length runs; other authors (Crowder, 1992; Del Castillo and Montgomery, 1996; etc.) have studied the economic design for short runs. However, neither the PDCA nor the CAPD design of control charts has been considered. In this paper, both the PDCA and CAPD designs of the $\bar{\x}$ chart are defined based on Del Castillo and Montgomery's design (1996), and their mathematical formulations are shown. Then from an economic viewpoint, the optimal values of the sample size per each sampling, control limits width, and the sampling interval of the two designs are studied. Finally, by numerically analyzing the relations between the key parameters and the total expected cost per unit time, the comparisons between the two designs are considered in detail.



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