An Analysis on the First Flush Phenomenon by Stormwater Runoff in Eutrophic Lake Watershed

부영양상태 호수유역의 강우유출수에 의한 초기세척효과 분석

  • Cho, Jae-Heon (Department of Health and Environmental Hygiene, Kwandong University) ;
  • Seo, Hyung-Jun (Department of Health and Environmental Hygiene, Kwandong University)
  • 조재현 (관동대학교 보건환경위생학과) ;
  • 서형준 (관동대학교 보건환경위생학과)
  • Received : 2007.07.20
  • Accepted : 2007.10.03
  • Published : 2007.10.30


Lake Youngrang is a lagoon whose effluent flows into the East Sea. Because two resort towns and two golf courses are situated at the lake basin, many tourists visit this area. Stormwater runoff surveys were carried out for the eight storm events from 2004 to 2005 in the eutrophic lake watershed to give a basic data for the diffuse pollution control of the lake. Dimensionless mass-volume curves indicating the distribution of pollutant mass vs. volume were used to analyze the first flush phenomenon. The mass-volume curves were fitted with a power function and polynomial equation curves. The regression analysis showed that the polynomial equation curves were better than the power function in representing the tendency of the first flush, and second degree polynomial equation curves indicated the strength of the first flush effectively.



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