Principles and Guidelines for Social Impact Assessment: A Critical Review on the US Case

사회영향평가의 원칙 및 지침에 관한 연구 - 미국 사례를 중심으로 -

  • 정주철 (한국 환경정책 평가연구원) ;
  • 임재영 (한국 환경정책 평가연구원)
  • Received : 2006.12.22
  • Accepted : 2007.01.31
  • Published : 2007.02.28


Despite the ubiquitous practice of environmental impact assessment around the world, social impact assessment has been alienated from assessment process from the beginning. Not until 1993 was 'Interorganizational Committee' established in the United States to prepare for 'Principles and Guidelines for Social Impact Assessment.' This study is an attempt to critically examine US 'Principles and Guidelines.' First, the study traces history of social impact assessment to reveal why the latter became "the orphan in the assessment process." Second, it critically reviews 'Principles and Guidelines' to find its merits and defects. For instance, a principle regarding environmental justice is perceived as necessary as society has become conscious of social justice and equity while putting too much emphasis on predictive traits of social impact assessments only fosters "checklist mentality." Third, the study reflects on 'Principles and Guidelines' in particular and social impact assessment in general in order to probe what is social impact assessment. To do so, it pays attention to scholars, who have criticized technocratic and procedural elements of 'Principles and Guidelines.' They show that social impact assessment is philosophically and methodologically teleological in that "fluid and contested meanings" between social impacts and the public are meaningful in itself. And simple procedural guarantee of the public involvement, they argue, is not enough to define social impacts. Lastly, from the critical analysis of 'Principles and Guideline,' the study looks for alternatives to improve how to assess social impacts in a Korean context.



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