4포트 커넥터 시스템의 등가회로 변환에 관한 연구

Equivalent Circuit Model for Four Port Connector System

  • 심민규 (성균관대 공대 전자전기학과) ;
  • 김종민 (성균관대 공대 전자전기학과) ;
  • 나완수 (성균관대 공대 정보통신공학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.01


This paper describes an equivalent circuit modeling of 4-port connector system. A coupled transmission line was designed and fabricated, mimicking a 4-port connector system, and then S-parameters were measured using 4 port VNA (Vector Network Analyzer). The S-parameters from measurement and from Full-wave simulator coincided quite nice. By using these S parameters, an equivalent circuit parameters for a 4-port system was obtained. The time domain response from the equivalent circuit model matched to the signals, which was measured using TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry) meter. We were also convinced that there should be enough bandwidth to get a meaningful time domain result from Fourier inverse transformation of the S parameters. In addition, we applied the conversion algorithm to the 4-port connector system, which calculates the S-parameters of a 4 port system using the data from a 2-port VNA with the other ports open. Comparison of the two data, one from measurement and the other one from the conversion algorithm, was made in this manuscript.



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