주요 정보통신기반시설의 평가컨설팅 방법론에 대한 연구

A Study on the Evaluation Consulting Methodology of Important Information Communication Base Facility

  • 이영로 (한국정보사회진흥원) ;
  • 조재완 (경동대학교 사회복지경영학부 경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


It soaks but 2001 July information communication base step law enforcement and the Enforcement Ordinance are published to follow, in order to support the establishment of evaluation and protective measure in order the vulnerability analysis against the facility of the agency which manages an important information communication base hour opinion to designate information protection specialty enterprise. As information protection specialty enterprise being revealed evacuation laboratory back 12 enterprises from information communication department become designation as the consulting enterprise and they do an enterprise activity actively. It follows in diffusion of the IT and information reconciliation level the other side where our country belongs in the world-wide first group, the research against the disfunction plan of preparation comparison the fact that law it is come negligently all actuality. The network as it will give management coat fatal effect even at obstacle occurrence hour of instant for of case and IT facility of the cyber transactions which leads, in the future there to be to corporate management, there is a possibility the stable civil official of information Facilities for communications very seeing in the portion which is important. Present condition and important propulsion contents of information communication base step law enforcement after, against a vulnerability analysis of information protection relation field and evaluation consulting methodological application situation to sleep it researches from the dissertation which it sees consequently and it does.
