지식재산의 관리 측면에서 본 연구성과 지향형 연구개발을 위한 제언

Suggestions for Outcome-Oriented R&D Activity in Terms of Intellectual Property Management

  • 김승군 (한국지식재산연구원 R&D 특허센터) ;
  • 고명숙 (한국지식재산연구원 R&D 특허센터)
  • Kim, Seung-Kun (R&D Patent Center, Korea Institute of Intellectual Property) ;
  • Ko, Myong-Suk (R&D Patent Center, Korea Institute of Intellectual Property)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


Biotechnology is often described as the 'exploitation of biological processes for industrial purposes'. The last twenty years have seen phenomenal growth in this industry. The 21 century promises to see further advances in the field. However, since the cost of research is high, and the potential returns are linked to exclusivity, intellectual property protection is critical to this burgeoning industry. Without protection such investments in R&D would not be made and, the benefit that BT-related development are expected to bring, would not occur. BT industry are eager for high technology, and the technology must be transferred to a corporation from a research organization. In order to be successful, it is important that scientist must be directed toward R&D outcome beyond performance assessment. The process to gain a outcome involves multiple steps to turn the idea into the profit, and intellectual property issues are considered into the critical factors to affect the quality of R&D. The management of Intellectual property is very important in R&D. However, According to the survey conducted by KIIP (Korea Institute of Intellectual Property) and KOSEF (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation) in 2006, it is estimated the ability to treat Intellectual property is not sufficient because 82.5% of the respondents have not received an education. Governmental Support is needed to prompt systematically the ability of intellectual property management through education and consulting.



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  8. NHMRC (2001). Biotechnology IP Management Manual, IP Australia, p. 5, p. 65
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피인용 문헌

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