네트워크 문제를 위한 새로운 진화 알고리즘에 대하여

On a New Evolutionary Algorithm for Network Optimization Problems

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


This paper focuses on algorithms based on the evolution, which is applied to various optimization problems. Especially, among these algorithms based on the evolution, we investigate the simple genetic algorithm based on Darwin's evolution, the Lamarckian algorithm based on Lamark's evolution and the Baldwin algorithm based on the Baldwin effect and also Investigate the difference among them in the biological and engineering aspects. Finally, through this comparison, we suggest a new algorithm to find more various solutions changing the genotype or phenotype search space and show the performance of the proposed method. Conclusively, the proposed method showed superior performance to the previous method which was applied to the constrained minimum spanning tree problem and known as the best algorithm.



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