Blended Instructional Practices in Higher Education Institutions

  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate current practices in blended instruction. In particular, the study explored (1) the types of instructional delivery methods, technologies, and instructional components, (2) the reasons why faculty apply blend instruction, and (3) the advantages and challenges in delivering blended instruction. This study focused on the practices in the Universities that have the extensive doctoral research programs classified by the Carnegie Foundations. The survey was performed with the sample of faculty from 30 universities and the survey data included 133 faculties out of the total 1,000 randomly selected faculty members. Of the 133 responses, 111 (77.7%) participants had certain degree of experience, while 17 faculty (or instructors) (13.3%) did not have any practice with blended instruction. The most common instructional delivery format in the participating universities was blended instruction that added supplementary online instructional components in the class. Online Course Management Systems (CMS) and multimedia presentation tools were common technology for course delivery, and "discussion" was the most general instructional activity for the class. The participating faculty often preferred the blended format since it provides students and faculty with convenience, flexibility, active engagement, efficiency in using resource materials, and a feeling of connection between/among students and instructor. Benefits to the class were availability of more authentic experience and diverse curricular materials, and the instructional format that meets the needs of remediation and enhancement of students. This study addressed not only advantages and challenges of blended instruction, but also suggestions based on the comments by the participating faculty.
