Cycle Time Models for Yard Cranes Considering Block Layouts in Container Terminals

컨테이너 터미널에서 블록의 레이아웃을 고려한 야드 크레인의 주기시간 모형

  • Lee, Byung Kwon (Department of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University) ;
  • Kim, Kap Hwan (Department of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • Published : 2007.03.31


Various different types of yard cranes are used in container terminals. Examples are rubber tired gantry cranes,rail mounted gantry cranes, overhead bridge cranes, dual rail-mounted gantry cranes, and automated stacking cranes. The kinematics and handling characteristics of these yard cranes are different from each other. Ttiis study analyses charactehstics of generic types of yard cranes which represent various yard cranes m practice Demg used in several types of block layouts, Considering specifications of yard cranes and block layouts, expected cycle times and variances of the cycle time are estimated for different handling activities.



Grant : 지능형 항만물류 시스템 기술개발

Supported by : 해양수산부


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