Status of benzene exposure and suggested countermeasures for petrochemical workers in the Yeosu Industrial complexs

여수국가산업단지 석유화학산업 근로자들의 벤젠 노출 실태와 관리대책

  • Choi, Sang Jun (Wonjin Institute for Occupational and Environmental Health) ;
  • Kim, Won (Wonjin Institute for Occupational and Environmental Health)
  • 최상준 (원진직업병관리재단부설 노동환경건강연구소) ;
  • 김원 (원진직업병관리재단부설 노동환경건강연구소)
  • Received : 2007.09.28
  • Accepted : 2007.12.24
  • Published : 2007.12.31


Status of benzene exposure was evaluated upon petrochemical workers in the Yeosu Industrial Complex, based on questionnaire responses by workers, review of previous work environment assessment reports between 1996 and 2004, in addition to short-term exposure measurements for unit tasks in the field. Questionnaire results showed that workers in the field were suffering concern on and symptoms of respiratory diseases, cancers or other illnesses of unknown causes. In particular, workers were highly worried about the risk of exposure to chemical hazards including benzene, while conducting specific tasks (e.g. sampling, draining, gauging) among normal operations during which equipments are opened and contents are exposedin the air, as well as periodic turnaround (TA) task. However, the review of previous work environment assessment reports found out that short-term exposure assessment data for unit tasks accounted for less than 1% of total data, and most of them were on 8-hr average exposure level. It also turned out that benzene was not detected in 83% of total samples, suggesting routine but pointless sampling has been repeated. Short-term exposure level was assessed focusing on tasks with high level of complaints on the exposure risk, based on the questionnaire responses. As predicted, a maximum of 741 ppm benzene exposure was reached depending on types and conditions of operations involved. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the evaluation and management on the short-term high exposure tasks including turnaround are crucial in reducing benzene exposure and preventing haematopoietic cancer in workers in the petrochemical industry.



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