Differences in Ego-Resiliency between Children's Personality Types

MMTIC에 의한 성격유형과 자아탄력성과의 관계

  • Received : 2007.06.20
  • Accepted : 2007.08.07
  • Published : 2007.08.31


The study was designed to lay the ground for effective guidance toward adaptive coping behavior by finding out differences in ego-resiliency in terms of personality types in the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children(MMTIC). For the study, personality types and ego-resiliency of 180 fifth- and sixth-grade students from 3 elementary schools located in Busan were measured. The instrument for personality types was MMTIC, which was developed by Meisgeier and Murphy in the US in 1990 and standardized in Korea in 1993 by Jungtaek Kim and Hyesook Shim. In order to measure Ego-Resiliency, Block & Kremen(1996)'s Ego-Resiliency scale translated and remodified by Sungkyung Yoo(2004) was used. The collected data were analyzed using ANOVA. The study found the followings: Firstly, according to the children's preference for personality types, participants' ego-resiliency scores appeared significantly higher in 'Extraversion', 'iNtuition', and 'Feeling' than in 'Introversion', 'Sensing', and 'Thinking' respectively. There was no significant difference in the score between in 'Judging' and 'Perceiving'. Secondly, according to function types of MMTIC, the participants' ego-resiliency score in 'iNtuition-Feeling' type showed the highest among scores in the other three types. The score in 'iNtuition-Feeling' type was significantly higher than 'Sensing-Thinking', 'Sensing-Feeling', and 'iNtuition-Thinking' type respectively.



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