Control of Morphological Development and Transformation of Curves

곡선의 형태학적 성장과 변환의 제어 방법

  • Published : 2007.10.30


We present novel methods to generate a sequence of shapes that represents the pattern of morphological development or transformation of Bezier curves. The presented methods utilize the intrinsic geometric structures of a Bezier curve that are derived from rib and fan decomposition (RFD). Morphological development based on RFD shows a characteristic pattern of structural growth of a Bezier curve, which is the direct consequence of development path defined by fans. Morphological transformation based RFD utilizes development patterns of source and target curves to mimic the theory of evolutionary developmental biology: although the source and target curves are quite different in shapes, we can easily find similarities in their younger shapes, which makes it easier to set up feature correspondences for blending them. We also show that further controls on base transformation for intensity of feature blending, and extrapolation can compensate the immaturity of blended curves. We demonstrate the experimental results where transformation patterns are smoother and have unique geometric style that cannot be generated using conventional methods based on multi-linear blending.



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