Acinetobacter marinus sp. novo and Acinetobacter seohaensis sp. nov., Isolated from Sea Water of the Yellow Sea in Korea

  • Yoon, Jung-Hoon (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB)) ;
  • Kim, In-Gi (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB)) ;
  • Oh, Tae-Kwang (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB))
  • 발행 : 2007.11.30


Two Gram-negative, nonmotile, coccobacilli, SW-$3^T$ and SW-$100^T$, were isolated from sea water of the Yellow Sea in Korea. Strains SW-$3^T$ and SW-$100^T$ contained ubiquinone-9 (Q-9) as the predominant respiratory lipoquinone and $C_{18:1}\;{\omega}9c$ and $C_{16:0}$ as the major fatty acids. The DNA G+C contents of strains SW-$3^T$ and SW- $100^T$ were 44.1 mol% and 41.9 mol%, respectively. A neighbor-joining tree based on l6S rRNA gene sequences showed that the two isolates fell within the evolutionary radiation enclosed by the genus Acinetobacter. Strains SW-$3^T$ and SW-$100^T$ exhibited a l6S rRNA gene similarity value of 95.7% and a mean DNA-DNA relatedness level of 9.2%. Strain SW-$3^T$ exhibited l6S rRNA gene sequence similarity levels of 93.5-96.9% to the validly described Acinetobacter species and fifteen Acinetobacter genomic species. Strain SW-$100^T$ exhibited l6S rRNA gene sequence similarity levels of less than 97.0% to the other Acinetobacter species except Acinetobacter towneri DSM $14962^T$ (98.0% similarity). Strains SW-$3^T$ and SW-$100^T$ exhibited mean levels of DNA-DNA relatedness of 7.3-l6.7% to the type strains of some phylogenetically related Acinetobacter species. On the basis of phenotypic, phylogenetic, and genetic data, strains SW-$3^T$ and SW-$100^T$ were classified in the genus Acinetobacter as two distinct novel species, for which the names Acinetobacter marinus sp. novo (type strain SW-$3^T$=KCTC $12259^T$=DSM $16312^T$) and Acinetobacter seohaensis sp. novo (type strain SW-$100^T$=KCTC $12260^T$=DSM $16313^T$) are proposed, respectively.



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