Design of Vector Register Architecture in DSP Processor for Efficient Multimedia Processing

  • Wu, Chou-Pin (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University) ;
  • Wu, Jen-Ming (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University)
  • Published : 2007.12.31


In this paper, we present an efficient instruction set architecture using vector register file hardware to accelerate operation of general matrix-vector operations in DSP microprocessor. The technique enables in-situ row-access as well as column access to the register files. It can reduce the number of memory access significantly. The technique is especially useful for block-based video signal processing kernels such as FFT/IFFT, DCT/IDCT, and two-dimensional filtering. We have applied the new instruction set architecture to in-loop deblocking filter processing in H.264 decoder. Performance comparisons show that the required load/store operations for the in-loop deblocking filter can be reduced about 42%. The architecture would improve the processing speed, and code density in DSP microprocessor especially for video signal processing substantially.



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