Householder's Education Level and Education Expenditure for Children

가구주 교육수준에 따른 자녀 교육비 지출액과 지출구조

  • Kim, Kyung-Ja (The Dep't of Consumer & Housing Studies, The Catholic Univ. of Korea)
  • 김경자 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 소비자학)
  • Published : 2007.12.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between householder's education level and the education expenditure for children. The Family Income and Expenditure Survey data of the 2005 National Statistical Survey were used to examine the hypothesis. For data analysis, ANOVA and regression method were applied. The results are as follows: House-holds in Seoul spent 533,000 won for child education per month on the average, and 64% of the expenditure was for private education. Households whose householder's education level was high spent more expenditures on public and private education for children than the households whose householder's education level was low. When the household income level was controlled, householder's education level affected only private education expenditure.



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