폐경 후 여성들의 골밀도와 신체 측정치 및 모성 요인과의 관련성 연구 -충남 일부 지역을 중심으로-

Bone Mineral Density, with Anthropometric Measurement, and Maternal Factors for Postmenopausal Women in Chungnam

  • Park, Mie-Ja (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Kongju National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


This study was performed to assess the relationships between bone mineral density(BMD), anthropometric measurements, and maternal factors in postmenopausal women. The anthropometric measurements were taken by a trained practitioner, and the maternal factors of the 85 subjects in Chungnam were acquired by an interview questionaire. The BMDs of the lumbar $spines(L_2-L_4)$, femoral necks(FN), ward's triangles(WT), and trochanters(TR) were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA). The BMDs(T-score) for $L_2-L_4$, FN, and WT were 0.996 $g/cm^2$(-1.601), 0.697 $g/cm^2(-1.657)$, and 0.793 $g/cm^2(-1.512)$ respectively, which were assessed as osteopenia by the T-score ; TR was noma1 at 0.718 $g/cm^2(-0.675)$. The 85 subjects in Chungnam were divided into three groups according to their BMD measurements for $L_2-L_4$ and FN, assessed by the T-score. The percentages in the osteoporosis, osteopenia, and normal groups were 32.9%, 42.4, and 24.7%, respectively. The average age was significantly the highest in the osteoporosis group than in the other two osteopenia and normal group(p<0.001). The subjects' BMDs were positively correlated with weight, height, BMI, waist, WHR, OBR and hip circumference, and negatively correlated with the age, duration time after menopause, lactation, the age of last delivery, menarche age, and number of children. The average age at menopause was 48.8. The osteoporosis group's average age at menopause was lower than those of the other groups. However, the BMD of the lumbar spine positively correlated with duration time after menopause and the BMD of the femoral neck with lactation, last delivery, menarch age, number of children. Therefore, researches are needed to find out the effective way to minimize the effect of age and other physiological conditions on the decrease of bone mass density.



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