Isolation of Melanin Biosynthesis Inhibitory Compounds from the Seeds of Plantago asiatica L.

차전자(車前子)로부터 멜라닌 생성 억제물질의 분리

  • Published : 2007.12.31


Seven compounds were isolated from the MeOH extract of the seeds of Plantago asiatica L. and their structures were identified as ${\beta}-sitosterol$ (1), (24R)-6${\beta}$-hydroxy-24-ethyl-cholest-4-en-3-one (2), acteoside (3), geniposidic acid (4), 1-octen-3-ol 3-O-${\beta}$-D-xylopyranosyl$(1{\rightarrow}6)-{\beta}-D-glucopyranoside$ (5), plantainoside D (6) and plantamajoside (7) on the spectroscopic analysis. Among them, $(24R)-6{\beta}$-hydroxy-24-ethyl-cholest-4-en-3-one (2) and 1-octen-3-ol 3-O-${\beta}$-D-xylopyranosyl ($1{\rightarrow}6)-{\beta}-D-glucopyranoside$ (5) were first isolated from this plant. Among them, geniposidic acid (4) showed the most potent inhibitory effect on melanogenesis, with inhibition rate of 41%.



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