Asian Quality Assurance Survey Program for Clinical Laboratory

아시아 임상검사실 정도관리 프로그램

  • 이갑노 (고려대학교 고려의대 구로병원 진단검사의학교실)
  • Published : 2006.06.01


Purpose : Asian Quality Assurance Survey program(AQuAS) is and activity of Asian Network for Clinical Laboratory Standardization and Harmonization(ANCLS) which had begun her first colloquium in 1999 in Jakarta, Indonesia by laboratory physicians led by Professors Noriyuki Tatsumi and Yoshinori Funahara with themes of standardization and harmonization of clinical laboratories in Asia. Methods : AQuAS had begun its first survey in July. 2001 and done November and March, three times per year in the fields of Chemistry, Hematology. Coagulation and Urinalysis. As of June 2006 the 15th survey have been completed. Korean Association of Health Promotion(KAHP) had participated in it since July, 2004 in the fields of chemistry, hematology and urinalysis.ゝ⨀
