A Basic Study of Pattern Alteration for People with Body Deformities -Focusing on the Brain Injured Handicapped-

특이 체형 패턴 보정을 위한 기초 연구 -뇌병변 장애인을 중심으로-

  • Na Hyun-Shin (Dept. of Clothing Science, Seoul Women's University)
  • 나현신 (서울여자대학교 의류학과)
  • Published : 2006.09.01


The feeling of self-confidence, the sense of well-being and of social acceptance that comes from the wearing clothes that is functional, appropriate, and attractive, is important to all the people, but to those with physical limitations, it is much more important. Finding well-fitting clothing can be a big challenge for them. This study focus on the cut of present available ready-to-wear garments and commercial patterns giving better fit and greater comfort and satisfaction. Subjects were limited to the people with body deformities caused by the brain injury. This can also meet the needs of silver groups in the aging society under the terms of human values and human rights. This study is based on the questionaires and interviews to identify the problems of ready-to-wear or commercial patterns, purchasing behaviors, and the demand for the functional clothes. This study focused on following objectives; 1) to discover what the problems are which confront the people with body deformity, 2) to find the problems in ready-to-wear garments or commercial patterns, 3) to provide information of pattern alteration f3r people with body deformities. A major limitation to the study is that the subjects numbers are limited and the distribution is not even. For the future study, large database with wide varieties of age and fitting test are suggested.



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