우수 아파트단지 취재기사에서의 관리상의 논점 - 탐방기사를 이용한 언어통계학적 내용분석 -

Issues on Articles Covering Outstanding Management of Apartment Complexes - Content Analysis of Newspaper Reports with Lexical Statistics -

  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


Nowadays, diverse mass media discovers and introduces outstanding management cases of apartment complexes to induce vital competitions of constructors and active participation of residents to apartment management. This study statistically analyzed the management issues of outstanding apartment complexes that have been introduced by mass media with lexical criteria to examine the characteristics of their exemplary management. The key issues of outstanding apartment management are summarized as: efficient management of convenient facilities for residents, community activities based on residents' participation, and maintenance of pleasant living environments through transparent management. Also, the result of the relation arrangement of co-occurrence word from a Social Network Analysis included three key concepts of multi-family housing management - Maintenance Management, Operating Management, and Community Life Management - with emphasis on 'residents' and 'apartment complexes.' However, Operating Management was relatively deemphasized.



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