A Survey of Satisfaction and Preference for Military Meal Service and Food Behaviors and Food Habits of Some Military Personnel

일부 군인들의 식행동 및 식습관과 군대급식에 대한 만족도와 기호도 조사

  • Kim Eun-Sil (Department of Tourism Food Service Cuisine, Hallym College) ;
  • Jung Bok-Mi (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Chonnam National University)
  • 김은실 (한림정보산업대학 관광외식조리과) ;
  • 정복미 (전남대학교(여수) 영양식품학과)
  • Published : 2006.08.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfaction and preference for current military meal service and food behaviors and food habits of some military personnel in Chunchen and Wonju of the Kwangwon area. The results are as follows. In the anthropometric survey, average height of the subjects was 175.03 $\pm$ 5.30 cm, average weight was 69.15 $\pm$ 7.74 kg. As a result of surveying satisfaction in the current food service, an item high in satisfaction was adequacy of serving hours, whereas an item of low satisfaction was diversity of menu. The item of food service improvement needs of the subjects were in order more variety of menu, nutrition, preference, sanitation, cooking method. As a result of surveying eating behavior of the subjects, most items were high medium response. They preferred soju and relish and also they liked the bokkum cooking method. As a result of surveying food habits of the subjects, items of good habits were regularity of meals, marginal meals, diversity of food intake, dairy and dairy products, avoiding too exciting meals and natural food diet; whereas, items of bad habits were fast food intake, alcohol, smoking, carbonated and caffeine beverages, skipping breakfast. snacks, fatty food intake, yellow or green vegetable intake and fruit and seaweed intake. Following is the result of a survey on the preference of meals by cooking method serving the current military meal service. They liked one-dish meals such as Bokkeumbap, Bibimbap, Tteokguk, whereas, they disliked curryrice, Jajangbap. In case of soup, they liked soup made from meat better than vegetable soup or soup made with fish. Also they liked pot stem better than soup. Generally they liked meals containing meat in most cooking methods. These results suggest that continuous and practical nutrition education to change food habits in military life are necessary to Prevent chronic disease with increasing age.



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