Asian Oncology Nursing (종양간호연구)
- Volume 6 Issue 2
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- Pages.104-110
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- 2006
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- 2287-2434(pISSN)
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- 2287-447X(eISSN)
Satisfaction for Voluntary Activity and the Meaning of Life in Hospice Volunteers
호스피스 자원봉사자의 자원봉사활동 만족도와 삶의 의미
- Park, Geum-Ja (Department of Nursing Science, Kosin University)
- 박금자 (고신대학교 간호대학)
- Published : 2006.08.31
Purpose: This study was to investigate the satisfaction for voluntary activity and the meaning of life in hospice volunteers. Method: Data were obtained by self-reported questionnaire from 102 volunteers and were analyzed using a t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation. Result: The mean score of the satisfaction for hospice volunteer activity was