Biotope-Type Classification Considering Urban Ecosystem Structure

도시생태계 구조를 고려한 비오톱 유형 구분

  • Kim Jeong-Ho (Dept. of Specialization Project, Dongmoon Construction Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Han Bong-Ho (School of Landscape Architecture, University of Seoul)
  • 김정호 (동문건설(주) 환경사업단 특화사업부) ;
  • 한봉호 (서울시립대학교 조경학과)
  • Published : 2006.06.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze biotope types of urban land-use patterns. Forest areas were considered according to vegetation type and potential for succession. Urban ecosystem structure was analyzed according to land use, land coverage, vegetation structure (actual vegetation, diameter at breast height, layer structure, and revetment). As a results of the classification, the biotopes were divided into 71 types according to the urban ecosystem structure. In the case of the Hanam province, the biotopes were divided into 51 types: 26 forest types; 5 swampy and grass land types; 3 farm land types; 3 types of planted land, and 8 types of urbanization.



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