The Spatial Distribution and Change of Frequency of the Yellow Sand Days in Korea

한국의 황사 발생 빈도 분포와 변화 분석

  • Received : 2006.04.13
  • Accepted : 2006.06.09
  • Published : 2006.06.30


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the spatial distribution and change of the frequency of Yellow Sand days and to examine their relationship with atmospheric circular characteristics at the surroundings of the Korean peninsula. Yellow Sand days data are used by intensity, Siberian High Index and monthly mean temperature of the Northern Hemisphere. In the Middle-western region, the occurrence frequency of Yellow Sand days was higher during the study period (1973-2004). Also, the occurrence frequency of Yellow Sand days increased to latter half 16 years compared with the first half 16 years, and be clearer in Middlewest regions. Yellow Sand days frequency increased, and the trend was distinct in the Jungbu region during the study period. Increasing trend of Yellow Sand days frequency was significant for the recent 22 years. Yellow Sand days had a negative relationship with Siberian High Index in February and March. Therefore, Siberian High Index became weaker in the spring, and possibility for the occurrence of Yellow Sand days was generating larger. Yellow Sand days had a positive relationship in monthly mean temperature of the Northern Hemisphere. Especially, the case of the strong Yellow Sand days is significant. Recently, global warming might be affecting the occurrence of strong Yellow Sand days.



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