JIBUN (location) assignment algorithm for assembly blocks : A case of Hyundai Heavy Industries

조립블록 지번할당 알고리즘 개발 : 현대중공업 사례

  • 박창규 (울산대학교경영대학경영학부) ;
  • 서준용 (울산대학교경영대학경영학부)
  • Received : 20060400
  • Accepted : 20060600
  • Published : 2006.06.30


It is a crucial managerial issue how to manage assembly blocks at shipyard. Based on the project experience in Hyundai Heavy Industries, this study points out the difficulties on the block stockyard operations, formalizes the JIBUN (location) assignment problem for assembly blocks, and develops the JIBUN (location) assignment algorithm whose purpose is to reduce the number of unproductive block moves. Through simulation experiments for various situations, this study demonstrates the usefulness of JIBUN (location) assignment algorithm. In addition, this study examines the impacts of block move sequence rules and of block stockyard layouts on the block stockyard operations.



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