미국 중소기업의 SCM전략과 Best Practice 실행 현황조사 연구

SCM Strategy and Best Practices Implementation in SMEs

  • 발행 : 2006.05.01


Over the last decade, the field of supply chain management (SCM) and e-business has received an enormous amount of attention from practitioners and academicians. However, little has been known about how and to what extent small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are implementing SCM initiatives and e-business practices. This paper proposes a comprehensive research model and presents the survey results of these practices of SMEs located in Wisconsin and illinois, U.S., In terms of competitive strategy and priority, value chain activity priority, supply chain and e-business integration focus, SCM best practices implementation focus and challenges, and business performance. The analysis reveals several valuable insights into how SMEs should run their businesses in today's volatile, rapidly changing customer economy.



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