A Decision Tree Induction using Genetic Programming with Sequentially Selected Features

순차적으로 선택된 특성과 유전 프로그래밍을 이용한 결정나무

  • Published : 2006.05.01


Decision tree induction algorithm is one of the most widely used methods in classification problems. However, they could be trapped into a local minimum and have no reasonable means to escape from it if tree algorithm uses top-down search algorithm. Further, if irrelevant or redundant features are included in the data set, tree algorithms produces trees that are less accurate than those from the data set with only relevant features. We propose a hybrid algorithm to generate decision tree that uses genetic programming with sequentially selected features. Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) method is adopted to find relevant features which are fed to genetic programming sequentially to find optimal trees at each iteration. The new proposed algorithm produce simpler and more understandable decision trees as compared with other decision trees and it is also effective in producing similar or better trees with relatively smaller set of features in the view of cross-validation accuracy.



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