Perceived Service Qualities in Cosmetics Purchasing, those Difference and Consumer Satisfaction among Store Types

화장품 구매시 지각된 서비스품질, 점포유형에 따른 차이와 고객만족도

  • 황연순 (춘해대학 뷰티코디네이션과)
  • Received : 2006.05.08
  • Published : 2006.08.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate perceived service qualities in cosmetics purchasing and, those difference and consumer satisfaction among cosmetics store types. Data were collected from 276 adult females and analyzed by using frequencies, factor analysis, reliability analysis, ANOVA and duncan test utilizing SPSS WIN 10.0. The results showed that consumers perceived service quality such as reliability and responsiveness, product policy, tangibles, store atmosphere policy, business policy, sales policy to cosmetics store. There were significant differences on service quality among cosmetics store types. Consumers using department stores highly perceived factors such as reliability and responsiveness, product policy, tangibles, store and atmosphere policy, but consumers using common cosmetics store lowly perceived these factors. There were significant differences with regard to use effect and pleasure in using to satisfaction among cosmetics store types. Use effect was revealed the highest to consumers purchasing cosmetics in department stores but the lowest in discount stores. Pleasure in using was revealed the highest consumers using department stores but the lowest common cosmetics store.



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