Simulation Modeling Methodology and Simulation System Architecture for Shipbuilding Processes

선박 건조 공정 시뮬레이션을 위한 모델링 방법론 및 시스템 아키텍처

  • 오대균 (서울대학교 조선해양공학과) ;
  • 이춘재 (서울대학교 공학연구소, (주)지노스) ;
  • 최양렬 (서울대학교 공학연구소, (주)지노스) ;
  • 신종계 (서울대학교 조선해양공학과) ;
  • 우종훈 (서울대학교 조선해양공학과, (주)지노스)
  • Published : 2006.02.01


For several years, a research about the simulation for shipyard and shipbuilding has been performed. This research is based on the concept of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and DM (Digital Manufacturing). Global leading companies and research center are trying to get a good position of PLM, especially M&S field. Digital shipbuilding is to computerize shipyard facilities and shipbuilding processes, and to simulate expected scenarios of shipbuilding processes using a computer model in order to resolve a potential problem such as a bottleneck processes, and over loaded resources. In this paper, simulation methodology for shipbuilding is described. In addition, a local and global strategy for the use of simulation methodology is suggested. Finally, case studies about an indoor shop and an outdoor shop are described.



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