제주 차귀도 연안해역 미생물 분포 및 이화학적 특성

Distribution of Microorganisms and Physico-Chemical Characteristics in the Chagwi-Do Coastal Waters, Jeju Island

  • 문영건 (제주대학교 해양과학부) ;
  • 김만철 (제주대학교 해양과학부) ;
  • 이준백 (제주대학교 해양과학부) ;
  • 송춘복 (제주대학교 해양과학부) ;
  • 여인규 (제주대학교 해양과학부) ;
  • 김종만 (한국해양연구원 해양생물자원연구본부) ;
  • 박근태 (부산대학교 산학협력단) ;
  • 손홍주 (밀양대학교 생물공학과) ;
  • 최우봉 (동의대학교 생물공학과/바이오물질제어학과) ;
  • 허문수 (제주대학교 해양과학부)
  • Moon Young-Gun (Faculty of Marine Science, Cheju National University) ;
  • Kim Man-Chul (Faculty of Marine Science, Cheju National University) ;
  • Lee Joon-Baek (Faculty of Marine Science, Cheju National University) ;
  • Song Choon-Bok (Faculty of Marine Science, Cheju National University) ;
  • Yeo In-Kyu (Faculty of Marine Science, Cheju National University) ;
  • Kim Jong-Man (Marine Living Resources Research Division, KORDI) ;
  • Park Guen-Tae (The Research-Industry University Liaison, Pusan National University) ;
  • Son Hong-Joo (Department of Biotechnology, Miryang National University) ;
  • Choi Woo-Bong (Department of Biotechology & Bioengineering, Dongeui University) ;
  • Heo Moon-Soo (Faculty of Marine Science, Cheju National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


To investigate the variations of physico-chemical factors and microbial population, in ten stations at water region of coastal area of Chagwi-Do, Nutritive salts, water temperature, transparency, suspended solid, salinity, COD, DO, pH, heterotrophic bacteria, coliform group and Vibrio spp. were analysed three times in September, November in 2004 and February in 2005. Heterotrophic bacteria in surface water was $3.5X10^1{\sim}1.16X10^3cfu/ml,\;1.0X10^2{\sim}5.2X10^1cfu/ml\;2.0X10^1{\sim}7.6X10^1cfu/ml$ and bottom water counted $7.0X10^2{\sim}1.0X10^3cfu/ml,\;1.4X10^1{\sim}2.5X10^2cfu/ml\;2.0X10^2{\sim}4.2X10^1cfu/ml$ in September, November in 2004 and February in 2005, respectively. The cell number of total coliform bacteria in the surface water amounted to $0{\sim}4.3X10^2cfu/ml,\;0{\sim}6.0X10^1cfu/ml,\;0{\sim}1.0X10^1cfu/ml$ and bottom water amounted $0{\sim}2.2X10^2cfu/ml,\;0{\sim}5.4X0^2cfu/ml,\;0{\sim}2.0X10^1cfu/ml$ in September, November in 2004 and February in 2005, respectively. As for Vibrio spp., the cell number in the surface water was $1.0X10^1{\sim}2.5X10^2cfu/ml,\;1.0X10^1{\sim}2.0X10^1cfu/ml,\;0cfu/ml$ and bottom water counted $1.0X10^1{\sim}5.2X10^2cfu/ml,\;0cfu/ml,\;2.0X10^1cfu/ml$ in September, November in 2004 and February in 2005, respectively.



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