Improving the Initial Effluent Water Quality of Rapid Sand Filter by Coagulants Injection

응집제주입에 의한 급속모래여과에서 초기유출수의 수질향상

  • Kim Woo-Hang (Faculty af Ocean System Engineering, Mokpo National Maritime University) ;
  • Jeon Ji-Hoon (Faculty af Ocean System Engineering, Mokpo National Maritime University)
  • 김우항 (목포해양대학교 해양시스템공학부) ;
  • 전지훈 (목포해양대학교 해양시스템공학부)
  • Published : 2006.03.01


The purpose of this research was to investigate the efficiency of coagulants dose after backwashing. The turbidity of initial effluent was high after backwashing in the rapid sand filtration and the high turbidity was almost removed by coagulants dose into filter-sand after backwashing. It was found that the turbidity of initial effluent was well removed by all kinds of the coagulants used in this study. When filtration was performed input water with differentiated pH's, the turbidity of effluent was low at the range of pH 5 - pH 7. But the removal was not good about over pH 9. This result was considered into the existence forms of aluminium, $Al(OH)^{2+}\;and\;{Al(OH)_2}^+$ at pH 5. Cryptosporidiums of effluent were 4/ml for ten minutes immediately after back washing and 3/ml until sixty minutes. However, the case of coagulant dose after backwashing, Cryptosporidiums of effluent were 0.5/ml for ten minutes with no detection after twenty minutes.



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