A Hybrid Monitor (Rib, Boss) Design System with a Function Based Design and a Knowledge Based Design

기능기반설계와 지식기반 형상설계를 이용한 하이브리드 모니터 마스크(리브, 보스) 설계시스템

  • Published : 2006.04.01


It is necessary to change the existing design process to cope with a short life-cycle product and various customer's demands. Also a frequent design change may delay the whole design process and it will increase the unit cost of the production. New alternatives or techniques have emerged to solve the existing design problems, such as a knowledge based engineering, an intelligent CAD, a function based design, and so on. In this paper, we propose a hybrid design system with a knowledge based design methodology and a function based design technique. The knowledge based design is good at a frequent design change and the function based design is effective to extract a core design behavior. In an early design process, the system utilizes a core design behavior through the function based design process. On the other hand, the system manages complicated design issues with the knowledge based design technique in the detailed design process. We conclude that the hybrid design system can bring fair effects on implementing an efficient design environment in aspect of time and expense.



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