호주인과 호주교민의 주공간 사용 및 주생활을 통한 주거문화 비교에 관한 연구 - 멜버른(Melbourne)을 중심으로

A Comparative Study of Housing Cultures between Korean-Immigrants and Australians in Melbourne, Australia

  • 이영심 (가톨릭대학교 생화과학부 소비자주거학)
  • Lee Young-Shim (Catholic University, School of Human Ecology, Consumer & Housing Studies)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


Each ethnic group has different cultural backgrounds and each culture has developed with its own traditions. The interaction between different cultures is getting more active through acculturation and cultural contacts. The purpose of this study was to compare domestic living of Korean immigrants with Australians in the form of a Cross-Cultural study. For this, usage of domestic space and seating style of 52 Korean households and 53 Australian households in Melbourne were analyzed. Ethnographic research with questionnaire was used. The results of the research were as follows. 1. The most popular type of Living-Dining-Kitchen arrangement was L+ K. D for Koreans and L. D . K for Australians. 2. A laundry room was indispensable for both and they all wanted to do ironing in there as well as dry. Both were satisfied with the type which toilet was separated from the bathroom Drain hole on the floor of the bathroom was not indispensable for most Koreans and Australians. 3. Koreans and Australians were doing various activities in living area and both were getting together around kitchen(dining) area. The particular thing of Koreans was that they were using the main bedroom with multiple purpose. 4. The seating style of Koreans and Australians belong to chair-seating style generally. But Koreans were using floor seating style in making bed for the guest and making Kimchi. Koreans and Australians were using mixed style of floor seating and chair-seating in relaxing time with watching TV, treating guest or so. 5. Koreans were not satisfied with using carpet cause of dust but Australians were satisfied with the carpet cause of warmness. 6. Most Koreans and Australians were take off shoes inside of the house. Koreans were organize shoes around the front door of the house usually and Australians were organize shoes in bedroom usually. 7. The most popular heating system was ducted heating for both. The level of satisfaction about ducted heating was low for Koreans because they though that it could contaminate air. Australians were satisfied with ducted heating because they though that this one was fit on the weather of this area. 8. Living room was the most important one for Koreans and Australians and they also thought it should be decorated well for entertaining guests. Most Koreans were estimate that the brightness of the light of the house was not enough but it was estimated to moderate for Australians on the contrary.



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