세지마 가즈요의 주거건축에 나타나는 경계공간에 관한 연구

A Study on the Spacial Boundary in Sejima Kazuyo's Housing Architecture

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The purpose of this study is to explore the spacial boundary in Kazuyo Sejima's housing architecture, to give attention to contemporary housing architecture that we inhabit, and to escape from existing architectural concepts. This study seeks to the meaning and possibility of the spacial boundary on the basis of contemporary architecture. The spacial boundary can be studied in the aspect of architectural space that molds human experience and perception. As a result of this study, three properties in the spacial boundary are revealed. One property of the spacial boundary is soft that protect privacy from gaze of exterior. Another property is that communication that changes according to material of boundary and its experience of observer. The other property is to have uncertainty by compound of programs and material-mixing senses including its perception. This results means that the spacial boundary as interface which is represent our everyday life in the contemporary housing architecture.



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