한국 남성의 얼굴 피부색 분류와 유형에 어울리는 색채 연구

Clustering of Facial Color Types and Their Favorable Colors on Korean Adult Males

  • 김구자 (인하대학교 의류디자인학과)
  • Kim, Ku-Ja (Dept. of Fashion Design & Textiles, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The colors of apparel are getting more important to give the differentiated character on fiber and fabrics. This study was to extract the favorable colors that become to facial color types. Research was carried out to classify the facial colors into several similar facial color groups. With JX-777, 2 points of face: forehead and cheek, were measured and classified into 3 facial color types. Sample size was 418 Korean adult males and other 15 of new males subjects. New chosen 3 subjects who had the classified facial color types, wore silver gown and black hat on his head to minimize the interaction of the clothe color an hair. The 40 standardized color samples were used to extract the favorable colors. 187 respondents answered the degree of becomingness of color samples on 3 facial color types. Data were analyzed by K-means cluster analysis, ANOVA and Duncan multiple range test using SPSS Win. 12. Findings were as follows: 1. 418 subjects who had YR colors were classified into 3 kinds of facial color groups. Type 1 was 4.59YR 5.89/5.12, Type 2 was 5.61 YR 5.41/4.79 and Type 3 was 4.38YR 6.49/4.89 respectively. 2. Favorable colors for Type 1 were 2 colors that belonged to ' a ' group from among colors that were divided into a, b, c group and 18 colors that belonged to ' a ' group from among colors that were divided into a, b group by Duncan post hoc test. 3. Type 2 showed that this type had many unfavorable colors. Unfavorable colors were 16 colors that belonged to ' c ' by Duncan test. 5. Favorable colors for Type 3 were 14 colors that belonged to ' a ' from among colors that were divided into a, b, c and 16 colors that belonged to ' a ' from among colors that were divided into a, b by Duncan test.



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