철 전이금속이 담지된 분말활성탄을 이용한 후렉소잉크 폐수의 처리

The Treatment of Flexo-inks Wastewater using Powdered Activated Carbon Including Iron-transition Metal

  • 조용덕 (에코하이텍) ;
  • 윤원중 (경원대학교 화학생명공학과) ;
  • 강익중 (경원대학교 화학생명공학과) ;
  • 유인상 (경원대학교 화학생명공학과) ;
  • 이상화 (경원대학교 화학생명공학과)
  • 투고 : 2006.03.08
  • 심사 : 2006.09.01
  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


The absorption characteristics of powdered activated carbon doped by transition-metal nanoparticles were investigated to enhance the remove efficiencies of $TCOD_{Mn}$ and Color from the flexo-inks wastewater. According to the adsorption dynamics of PAC and MPAC, the optimal dosage of activated-carbon adsorbents was 3 g/L under the reaction conditions of pH6.0, 30 mill of reaction time, 240 rpm of mixing intensity. The removal efficiencies by the optimal dosages were maximized as 19% $TCOD_{Mn}$, 57% Color for PAC and 88% $TCOD_{Mn}$, 95% Color for MPAC. Freundlich indexes of isotherm absorption were estimated as follows: i) For PAC, k=-8.11, 1/n=2.98, r=0.91 in the raw water, and k=0.14, b/n=0.75, r=0.96 in the biological treatment water, ii) For MPAC, k=2.69, 1/n=0.21, r=0.80 in the raw water, and k=0.74, 1/n=1.17, r=0.95 in the biological treatment water. MPAC (Powdered activated carbon doped by transition-metal nanoaprticles) was very effective in the removal of organics from the raw water and biological treatment water, as Freundlich indexes of 1/n for both types of water were estimated less than 2.0.



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