Redescription of Free-Living Marine Nematode, Dracograllus filipjevi Allen and Noffsinger, 1978 (Nematoda: Draconematidae) from Korea

  • Rho, Hyun-Soo (Marine Environment Research Department, KORDI) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Sung (Marine Environment Research Department, KORDI) ;
  • Kim, Won (School of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 2006.09.30


A draconematid nematode species, Dracograllus filipjevi Allen and Noffsinger, 1978, is described from the washings of shallow littoral coralline algae at Guryongpo in the eastern coast of Korea. This species is recognized by the following characteristics: larger body size, number of posterior sublateral adhesion tubes (9 in male and 12-13 in female) and subventral adhesion tubes (8-9 in male and 9-10 in female), the absence of cephalic acanthiform setae on rostrum, the presence of longitudinally areolated body cuticle with dot-like punctations, the presence of some cuticular collar in swollen pharyngeal region, the shape of amphidial fovea (large, elongate, and loop-shaped in both sexes), the absence of preanal corniform setae, and the absence of lateral differentiation on narrow body region. Morphological features of the species using differential interference contrast photomicrographs are described in detail in the present work. The is the first report of D. filipjevi in Korea.



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