The Real Time Measurement of Dynamic Radius and Slip Ratio at the Vehicle

차량에서 실시간 동반경 및 슬립율 측정

  • Lee, Dong-Kyu (Automotive Powertrain System Lab, Ajou University) ;
  • Park, Jin-Il (Automotive Powertrain System Lab, Ajou University) ;
  • Lee, Jong-Hwa (Automotive Powertrain System Lab, Ajou University)
  • Published : 2006.11.01


The tire delivering power generated from engine to the ground pulls a vehicle to move. Radius of tires is changeable due to elasticity that depends on the speed of vehicle and traction force. The main objectives on this study are real time measurement of dynamic radius and slip ratio according to the speed and traction force. The dynamic radius is proportional to speed and traction force. According to measurement, the dynamic radius is increased about 3mm under 100km/h compared to stop. It is also increased about 1.5mm when a traction force is supplied as much as 4kN compared to no load state at low speed. There is no strong relationship between slip ratio and vehicle speed. The slip ratio is measured up to 4% under WOT at first stage gear. Through this research, the method of measuring dynamic radius and slip ratio is set up and is expected to be applied to the measurement of traction force in chassis dynamometer or accelerating and climbing ability.



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  2. J. H. Park and C. Y. Kim, 'Optimal Wheel Slip Control for Vehicle Stability During Cornering,' Transactions of KSAE, Vol.5, No.4, pp.190-198, 1997
  3. Translated by S. S. Kim and S. T. Park, Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, Pearson Education, Korea, pp.309-331, 2002
  4. W. Park, 'Effect of Slip on Tractive Performance of Driving Wheel,' Transactions of KSAE, Vol.10, No.1, pp.234-243, 2002