자기이미지와 자기평가의 구성요인과 소비가치

Consumption values and components of self-image and self-evaluation

  • 오현정 (광주대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


Self-concept is a multi-dimensional characteristic including self-image and self-evaluation. Self-image is the descriptive side of self-concept and is composed of the real self-image and the ideal self-image. Self-evaluation is the appraisable side self-concept and is composed of the internal self-concept, external self-concept and total score of self-concept. The purposes of this study were to determine the correlation of self-image and self-evaluation and to identify the effects of self-image and self-evaluation on consumption value. The data were collected from 237 college women residing in Gwangju using a questionnaire to investigate real/ideal self-image, self-evaluation and consumption value. The results were analyzed with factor analysis, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis using statistical program SPSS 10.0. The results of this research were as follows. 1. The real self-image and ideal self-image had a significant correlation with internal self-concept, external self-concept and total score of self-concept. It was ensured that self-image and self-evaluation are one side of the multidimensional self-concept. 2. The real/ideal self-image and internal/external self-evaluation had a significant influence on consumption value. The real self-image and external self-evaluation were the most important variables explaining the consumption value.



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