Flow-Aware Link Dimensioning for Guaranteed-QoS Services in Broadband Convergence Networks

  • Published : 2006.12.30


In this work, we propose an analytic framework for dimensioning the link capacity of broadband access networks which provide universal broadband access services to a diverse kind of customers such as patient and impatient customers. The proposed framework takes into account the flow-level quality of service (QoS) of a connection as well as the packet-level QoS, via which a simple and systematic provisioning and operation of the network are provided. To that purpose, we first discuss the necessity of flow-aware network dimensioning by reviewing the networking technologies of the current and future access network. Next, we propose an analytic model for dimensioning the link capacity for an access node of broadband convergence networks which takes into account both the flow and packet level QoS requirements. By carrying out extensive numerical experiment for the proposed model assuming typical parameters that represent real network environment, the validity of the proposed method is assessed.



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