제2기계시대 건축디자인에서의 운동의 표현에 관한 연구

A Study on the Expression of Movement in Architectural Design in the Second Machine Age

  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


Many architects in the second machine age experiment on the movement in architectural design. They consider a movement as a flow of information and vector as well as the real motion. They express the movement in architectural design as nomad architecture, network city, rhizome, mutual transformation among building, environment and visitors, and form generation as the actualization of the virtual. It is partly the result of the philosophy of Deleuze and Bergson that a movement is just a duration as a difference of quality. It is because Deleuze explains that the realization of the virtual as a becoming is also the kind of movement. This study analyzes the method of expression of movement in architectural design in the second machine age. As a result, the movement in architectural design in the second machine age was expressed in two ways. One method is a territorialized movement that moves in the fixed trajectory and the other is a deterritorialized movement that moves in the random indeterminate trajectory.



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