현대 공간디자인에 있어 사용자 참여디자인의 의의와 유형에 관한 연구

A Study on the Significance and the Types of User's Participation in Space Design

  • 이정민 (경원대학교 미술대학 산업디자인과) ;
  • 홍의택 (경원대학교 미술대학 산업디자인과)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


This paper researched social, cultural background, psychological bases, design method and design types with regard to user's participation in space design. This issue of user's participation became one of major paradigms of 21st century not only for space design but also for every other cultural phenomenon. First chapter is an introduction. Second chapter tried to assert the fact that user's participation will be the important aspect for future space design by proving the correlation between user's participation in space design and the important social changes. It also tried to prove the psychological reasons why the users' participations affect the level of user satisfaction. It can be explained by Behaviorism which insisted that our outer behaviors affect our inner attitudes and preferences. Third chapter explained the affordances in design which works as a means of inducing user's participatory behaviors. Fourth chapter proposed the types of participatory space designs classified by the users' behavioral features and their characteristics, intending that they will verify the realization of the theories which we discussed in the former chapters regarding the users' participation in space design. The fifth chapter is a conclusion which says that outwardly, those participations are simply making external changes in design. but actually, they are reflecting more profound social changes and making important psychological effects on users.



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